Bob Marley borrows from a speech by noted orator Marcus Garvey: "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can…
On Redemption Song
A world of appalling contrasts, indeed.
On What a wonderful world
Go girrrl!
On Sonita Alizadeh contro i matrimoni forzati
Great cover of Playing for Change, a movement that inspires, connects, and brings peace to the world through music.
On A dream you dream together is a reality
Well, you've become a true expert by now. Nothing to add. Bravo, koritsi!
On Il rebetiko e le lezioni della storia
"Kaigomai" is an early example of rebetiko as poem-lament, mourning the destruction of Smyrna, during the Greco-Turkish war, the killing…
On Κι όταν φουντώνει ο πόλεμος, το αίμα δεν μετριέται
Moving message. Don’t even try to make mangas cry ; )
On 30 Corti per 30 Diritti: Siamo tutti liberi e uguali
I need you and you need me...
On You better think about what you’re trying to do to me
Hello there, Sitting Bull. Very few know that "kudos" comes from Greek. My respect!
On Wake up!
Bleeps is a great street artist. Your Greek followers thank you, Fearless Girl.
On Wake up!